Salju di Negara-Negara Arab

Pernah tau Iklim di daerah Jazirah Arab? Ya memang daerah itu terkenal dengan Cuaca yang panas, gurung pasir dimana-mana. Namun jangan kaget jika ada beberapa Negara Arab yang bersalju!! Salju disini bukan karena perubahan Iklim yang terjadi belakangan ini, namun di beberapa negara ini memang sudah terdapat salju, pada musim-musim tertentu. Berikut negara-negara Arab yang bersalju beserta gambarnya:

1. Jordania
salju di kota Amman

2. Lebanon
salju di pegunungan Faraya, Lebanon

3. Palestina
salju di kompleks Masjidil Aqsa (yang berkubah Emas BUKAN masjid Al-Aqsha)

4. Syiria
badai salju di salah satu jalan di Damaskus

15 Freeware Software Untuk File Data Recovery (Termasuk File Musik,Video,Game,App)

Dibawah ini adalah 15 software GRATIS untuk merecovery data yang telah hilang mungkin dihapus, diformat, atau di delete. Sengaja berbahasa inggris karena jika diterjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia istilah-istilahnya kurang mengena :). Jadi sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris :)

1. Recuva
Recuva is the very best free file recovery software available, hands down. It's very easy to use but has many optional advanced features as well.
Recuva can recover files from hard drives, external drives (USB drives, etc.) and memory cards. Recuva can even undelete files from your iPod!
Recuva will undelete files in Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008/2003, and older Windows versions like 2000, NT, ME and 98. 64-bit Windows versions are also supported.
Undeleting a file with Recuva is as easy as deleting one! I highly recommend that you try Recuva first if you need to recover a file.

2. Glary Undelete
Glary Undelete is an excellent free file recovery program. It's very easy to use and has one of the better user interfaces that I've seen.
The biggest advantages in Glary Undelete include the easy "Folders" view, a Windows Explorer-style view of recoverable files, and a prominent "State" indication for each file, suggesting how likely a successful file recovery will be.
Glary Undelete can recover files from hard drives and any removable media you might have including memory cards, USB drives, etc.
Glary Undelete is said to work in Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95 but I had no problem recovering files with it in Windows 7.

3. Pandora Recovery
Pandora Recovery is another excellent free file recovery software program. It's super easy to use and has the best wizard to help you undelete files that I've seen in any file recovery app.
A more advanced "Surface Scan" is available in Pandora Recovery that should recover more files than the standard search as long as they are of a popular format.
Pandora Recovery will undelete files from hard drives, memory cards, etc. Nearly anything that stores files that you can also connect to your PC should be supported.
You will need to install Pandora Recovery to your hard drive which is a major reason I haven't ranked it higher than some other file recovery tools.

4. SoftPerfect File Recovery
SoftPerfect File Recovery is another superb file undelete program. It's very easy to search for recoverable files. Anyone should be able to use this program with very little trouble.
SoftPerfect File Recovery will undelete files from hard drives, memory cards, etc. Any device on your PC that stores data (except for your CD/DVD drive) should be supported.
SoftPerfect File Recovery is a small, 500KB, standalone file making the program very portable. Feel free to run File Recovery from a USB drive or floppy disk.

5. Restoration
The Restoration file recovery program is similar to the other free undelete apps on this list.
The thing I like most about Restoration is how incredibly simple it is to recovery files. There are no cryptic buttons or complicated file recovery procedures - everything you need is on one, easy to understand program window.
Restoration can recover files from hard drives, memory cards, USB drives, and other external drives.
Restoration supports Windows Vista, XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95. I successfully tested Restoration with Windows Vista.
Like some of the other popular file recovery tools on this list, Restoration is small and does not need to be installed, giving it the flexibility to be run from a floppy disk or USB drive.

6. Avira UnErase Personal
Avira UnErase Personal has to be one of the most simple free file recovery programs I've ever used.
After installation (there is no standalone version), you're a single click from seeing every deleted file on a drive. Recovering a file with Avira UnErase Personal is a single click operation as well.
UnErase Personal can recover files from hard drives, USB drives, memory cards, and other similar sources.

7. FreeUndelete
FreeUndelete is self explanatory - it's free and it undeletes files! FreeUndelete is another great file recovery tool, very similar to other undelete utilities around this rank in my list.
The major advantage of FreeUndelete is its easy to use interface and "folder drill down" functionality (i.e. files available for recovery are not listed in a big, unmanageable listing).
FreeUndelete will recover files from hard drives, memory cards, and other similar storage devices in or connected to your PC.
FreeUndelete supports all versions of Windows - Vista, XP, etc. I successfully tested FreeUndelete with Windows Vista.

8. ADRC Data Recovery Tools
ADRC Data Recovery Tools is another great, free file recovery program. File recovery with this program is uncomplicated and could probably be accomplished by the average computer user without any kind of documentation.
ADRC Data Recovery Tools should be able to undelete files from any non-CD/DVD storage device like memory cards and USB drives, as well as hard drives, of course.
Data Recovery Tools officially supports Windows XP, 2000, and 95 but I successfully tested data recovery with this program on Windows Vista.
ADRC Data Recovery Tools is a standalone, 132KB program making it a very portable file recovery tool that will easily fit on any removable media you might have.

9. CD Recovery Toolbox
CD Recovery Toolbox is a completely free and very unique file recovery program. CD Recovery Toolbox is designed to recover files from damaged or corrupted optical drive discs - CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, HD DVD, etc.
According to the publisher, CD Recovery Toolbox should help recover files from discs that have been scratched, chipped, or have surface spotting.
One obvious con is the inability of CD Recovery Toolbox to recover files from hard drives or portable media drives. However, the program isn't designed to do that so I haven't held that fact against it.
CD Recovery Toolbox works in Windows Vista, XP, Server 2003, 2000, NT, ME and 98. I tested CD Recovery Toolbox successfully in Windows Vista.

10. TOKIWA DataRecovery
TOKIWA DataRecovery is an effective file recovery program and is very similar to many others on my list.
The best thing TOKIWA DataRecovery has going for it is its ease of use. It has a single program window where you can scan for files to recovery, sort the files, and undelete them. There are no complicated procedures at all.
TOKIWA DataRecovery can recover files from hard drives, memory cards, USB drives, and other external drives.
DataRecovery supports Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95. I successfully tested TOKIWA DataRecovery with Windows Vista.
TOKIWA DataRecovery is a standalone, 412KB file making it a completely portable tool suitable for a USB drive or floppy disk.

11. Undelete Plus
Undelete Plus is a great free file recovery program but the program could use a serious face lift. The user interface needs work (e.g. some prominent buttons don't seem to do much) but overall it's an effective file recovery tool.
Undelete Plus can recover files from hard drives, external drives, and memory cards. Any drive using any popular file system should be accessible by Undelete Plus.
Undelete Plus will undelete files in Windows Vista, XP, Server 2003, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95.

12. PC Inspector File Recovery
PC Inspector File Recovery is another good free file recovery program with an arguably "deeper" search for deleted files than other similar undelete programs.

13. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard will undelete files from hard drives, optical drives, memory cards, and pretty much anything else that Windows sees as a storage device.

14. Recover Files
The aptly named Recover Files does just that and does it as well as any other average file recovery program.
Files located on hard drives, external drives, ZIP drives, memory cards, etc. are all recoverable by Recover Files. Anything that holds data that you can hook up to your computer is probably fair game for Recover Files.

15. PhotoRec
The free PhotoRec file recovery tool does the job but it isn't nearly as easy to use as other programs on my list.
PhotoRec is limited by its command-line interface and multiple step recovery process. However, my greatest problem with PhotoRec is that it's very difficult to avoid recovering all deleted files at once, not just the one or two you're after.
PhotoRec can recover files from hard drives, optical drives, and memory cards. PhotoRec should be able to undelete files from any storage device on your PC.